Friday, October 24, 2008

Necessary Background

Just a few things to go over so you better understand where I come from on a few things...

I'm in the Military, so I have a very close and intimate relationship with world events, the "Long War" and some of the challenges faced by our Service Members. That being said, by NO means should anything I rant about be taken as an "official" position, I represent only myself and my own personal interests.

Depending upon your mood and political views, I come from the "right" side of the spectrum. I like to consider myself fairly moderate, with a dash of eccentric but in several ways I'm sure people will take a few of my ideas "knuckle-draggingly right wing extremist".

"Hallofo" is not a misspelling. If people care I'll explain a bit, but for now just know that it's on purpose.

Yes, I like commas to much.

As a final note here, if you are one of those people that think all people that disagree with you are stupid/racist/etc... then that's fine, I can bear other people's distress with remarkable fortitude!